Votes: 13642
Submissions: 87

Past winners


2023 winner: Rahel



Hi Rahel, 
Upon receiving your brand new EIZO Monitor last Summer, you said fellow students suddenly realized they should have submitted an image or video when they saw what you had won. What would you tell people who are hesitant to participate?


Just do it. You can't lose anything. Even if you don't win, there are often other benefits such as new experiences, learning new skills or the opportunity to outdo yourself. So why not just join in and see what happens? You might be pleasantly surprised.

You won the 2023 EIZO Student Award with an intriguing image, achieving a result you didn't expect. Can you take us through the process of making the photo, what happened and how you turned it into a winning image?


I love working with new techniques and trying out new things. With this picture, I wanted to try to capture nature not only in the picture, but also in the picture. I took analog photographs and then soaked the film in a plant protection product. Time passed and I forgot that the film was still in there. When I wanted to develop it, I quickly realized that something was wrong. Nevertheless, I wanted to see what happened and continued working. I was surprised myself with the result but more than happy.


This year’s theme is “emotions”. Photography being an art form, one often forgets how much technical knowledge is needed to create a good image. In your experience so far, how much instinct vs planning do you use when trying to create an image and why?


In my opinion, a balanced mix of instinct and planning is crucial. Instinct tends to be the spontaneous expression, while planning drives the technical side to capture the desired mood. Ultimately, it's a combination of both that allows me to create images that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also create an emotional response.

When it comes to emotions, I think it makes sense to listen more to your instincts. It's a personal topic that you can implement very creatively.


Rahel submitted the beautiful and poetic analogue photo on the right, which reflects on the visible and the invisible, the known and the unknown, and far more.

Rahel studies at F+F Schule für Kunst und Design in Zürich and will complete her studies in Spring 2024.

We wish her all the best, lots of fun with her new EIZO ColorEdge CS2731 and a great experience working on set with Thomas and his crew.

See her work on Instagram


2022 winner: Jan


Hi Jan, you won the EIZO Student Award 2023 edition with a beautiful photo.
Can you take us on your journey to creating this image? What went through your mind, how did you find the location, did you have a specific result in mind, a story you wanted to tell through that photo?

In my photographic work I deal with everyday life. The camera always in the pocket and the right intuition I catch moments that often last only a short moment. I shoot portraits in which emotions flare up, scenes that hold an infinite calm or snapshots that want to tell a story. Because I shoot analog, my images take on a depth that is often unattainable with a digital camera.  

This year’s general theme is “red green blue” and how these three colors make out our entire experience of the world around us.
What advice would you give people who want to enter the EIZO Student Awards this year?

I think it's important to be confident with your work and present it like this, and even if it doesn't work out, be happy to get opportunities like this open call and maybe get inspired by the other participants.

You won an EIZO ColorEdge CS2470, a state-of-the-art monitor for photographers and videographers. How has it helped you become a better creative, what benefits have you found and where has it supported your work most?


The screen is excellent, I use it in many areas of my work. Whether it's photo editing, video editing, drawing or just watching movies for inspiration. I am very grateful to have this, so big thanks to EIZO at this point.


2021 winner: Lena


Hi Lena, you won the 2021 edition of the EIZO Student Awards. Your work really stood out.
You also participated in the 2022 edition, again getting praise for your work. What is your secret to creating eye-catching work? Can you tell us more about your creative process, your idea, perspective and how you use your technical knowledge to trigger an emotional response?

I do not think that I have a secret behind my pictures, much more I am behind my pictures. It's just my perspective of the world, and everyone has a different one. It is the aesthetics of reality and the understanding to interpret it, which makes a photo and the photographer. I like to work intuitively, without having too precise an idea before starting. Mostly, I recognize myself above all in analog photography. There is something incredibly magical about the process from an unexposed negative to an analog print, and it gives me a lot of artistic freedom and choices. I value that extremely, and it connects me to my images.

You got the opportunity to be on set with Christian Ammann and his crew. Can you tell us what your experience was and what your take-aways are as a future actor of the photography industry?

The day with Christian and his crew I will not forget so quickly. For me it was especially interesting and informative to see how a large team works together and how certain processes and tasks were clearly defined. I think that is also what I take away the most from this day. Also the exchange with Christian and the other crew members was very exciting, through the exchange with the stylists or assistants I could not only learn new things about photography, but about the whole industry. 

You won an EIZO ColorEdge monitor. How has it helped you become a better creative, what benefits have you found, and where has it supported your work most?

The evaluation and viewing of my images is an important part of my work, for which I like to take time. Often I look at images for minutes and think about which sections or series appear from the images. My Eizo monitor is definitely a big help. First of all, viewing is more fun when the colors are detailed in their optimal values on the screen and even on a gray day I don't get tired of staring at my monitor. Secondly, I can always be sure that an image is reproduced in its best form and that the colors are correct, even when I put it into print. 

Watch Lena's winner video on Youtube
See Lena's work 
on Instagram